Sunday, May 9, 2010

Tired Day

Hi everybody,Now i tell what happen today.
Today,I woke at around 10am.Then brush teeth after that turn on computer switch.
Play maple private server.So sian. After playing computer then I call MCDOLNALD
for my breakfast,Then get back to computer MSN , Facebook , Games , Maple , NTH.
Then play until half,Mcdolnald delivery comes and knocked my door , then eat MC.
After eating get back to computer then Alfeesyarh ask me go study at Macdolnald.
Then I say "Okay lorh , I anything de."At 2.39pm.We packs our books then go MAC.
I go there about 3.50pm then never see him , I walk around SunPlaza after 20min.
I go to Sportslink to lend phone because phone spoil.Then I call kor kor to ask
him for alfeesyarh phone number , he say he don't have then I ask for JunTeck's.
Then I call him give me Alfeesyarh phone number.He gives me already then i call.
It's about 3.10pm. He tell me he reached liao then I ruch there. Then we go in
Saw Amirun , Taufiq. Then we go buy ice milo and ice-cream Then walked into the
most corner part and sit down chat alwhile then take out our REVISION work bcoz
tomorrow got examination.Then Alfeesyarh takes out his MINI LAPTOP then connect
to the wireless. Then we do..... until 5.50pm RIDHWAN and GERALD come and find
us then tok2 alwhile , I feel like don't want do liao so I pack up my books and
ask Alfeesyarh to go.We go toilet then go KFC coz he wanna eat dinner there.
Then after he ate his food we went to NTUC , bcoz his mum asked him to buy some
Eggs , Bread and Chicken Nuggets.After buying those item. We walk till the road
then we go our own way.Then go home relax alwhile then on computer again and
I'm updating the more later than the time I came home!!! Today:) 9/5/2010

Friday, January 22, 2010

I got nothing to do,anyhow post de....

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Today Wake up 6.00am prepare till 6.30am go school..

My brother wake up his own and i am so happy.LoLz

Go school 1.30pm go Minimart find my brother.

Then i go home pack my things for tution.

2pm go off my house wif my bike.

2.30pm nid reach the tutor house then i go around finding BLOCK 491.

find until like mad dog lidat.

Finish tution at 4.30pm then going back i buy things to eat.

Then saw Jun Jie with his friend then i join in for awhile then go home saw Yeow Gim.

Coming my house then i like never saw quite a long time.

Then he go home first then Darryl.

Then my brother and me go eat den Wei Xiang go home....

Then go meet Sankara go play MAXIMUM TUNE 3DX.

Then now doing homework..Chinese and science...

Sunday, January 17, 2010


My blog not active de.

I don't know whether want to delete anot!!!

Pls tell me the answer in Tagboard...

Back to school is alot of fun!!but my english teacher mad liao..
keep scolding innocent student like me...T.T sad for me~


Wednesday, November 11, 2009



Sunday, November 8, 2009

Wad a Interesting DAY for Mii =.="lolz

2day I must wake up early.

Because My auntie just gave birth to a baby that's why I nid to go my auntie house.

We carried around the baby and play with it SOFTLY~the baby is SUPER DUPER CUTE!!~

After that My mum want to watch HORSE RACING and my auntie press the remote control to the

channel that My mum want to watch after that we walk to the MRT when we walking there we

saw a MINIMART and My brother and I go in the minimart while my mum was walk to the MRT.

We bought sweets and water after buying me and my brother run and chase my mum because

the distance is very far and finally we reach the MRT and we goes up the MRT and I was sitting

there playing PSP and My brother and MUM standing near the door and after we reach

SAMBAWANG is about 3.55P.M. My brother and I rush back home because We 4.00P.M.

got soccer match and We reach there with our friend and we play until 6+ then We when to

Sambawang mart to buy something to eat after eating i go to a minimart shop name

"Seng Kang Minimart" and bought a lazer to play it cost $3.90 after that i go home take my

badminton racket and go down to the badminton court and play badminton after playing I goes

to the MRT and eat FOODFARE after eating I go to Sportslink to make the grip of My racket

after griping it I when home and My brother when to Mcdonald's with his friends.

You know wad I do next??

Sitting in front of the computer table and type wad happen to me 2day.Blogging quite FUN de leh>.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

I love Her

I send her a Love letter in Facebook liao but she still never reply me~Somebody Wins another gerl heart liao now is my turn to WIN HER HEART!! I MUST WIN HER HEART!!!